OWRC 2023 Open Ocean Regatta
April 16, 2023 – Sausalito, CA.
Open Water Rowing Center completed the annual Open Ocean Regatta on April 16, 2023. The Regatta was performed on three separate courses: The Pt. Diablo Course, which transits the Golden Gate, the Strawberry Course that is completed on the Richardson Bay and the new Belvedere Course for Stand Up Paddle Boarders.
There were 51 rowing boats/surf-skis/standup paddle-boarders that entered the Regatta, 27 on the Strawberry Course, 23 on the Diablo Course and one Stand Up Paddle Boarder on the Belvedere Course.
The weather and the winds were very cooperative for the event, and in many of the participant’s own words:
“The Open Ocean Regatta is a lot of fun. It is an enjoyable event that allows everyone to take in some of the most spectacular scenery in the world.”
This year’s event was highlighted by a very special gourmet food and beverage service prepared by Open Water Rowing Center members.
On behalf of the Open Water Rowing Center Membership we would like to congratulate all of the participants in completing the event safely and returning to the boathouse to enjoy the after event festivities.
The results of the Regatta are posted on the Open Ocean Regatta page. Photos are available on the Regatta Photos page.