9:00 AM09:00

Rough Water Clinic - March 29, 2025

On Saturday, March 29, 2025, Stefan Benton will lead a group of Rowers in learning the Rough Water Rowing conditions approaching the Golden Gate Bridge.

It is important that each rower complete a flip test prior to participating in this class.

The lesson begins at the Liz Stone Boathouse at 8:30 AM. The cost is $150.00 and includes a boat rental if needed.

Please contact the OWRC Boathouse for scheduling details, 415-332-1091.

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9:00 AM09:00

Rough Water Clinic - March 1, 2025

On Saturday, March 1, 2025, Stefan Benton will lead a group of Rowers in learning the Rough Water Rowing conditions approaching the Golden Gate Bridge.

It is important that each rower complete a flip test prior to participating in this class.

The lesson begins at the Liz Stone Boathouse at 9:00 AM. The cost is $150.00 and includes a boat rental if needed.

Please contact the OWRC Boathouse for scheduling details, 415-332-1091.

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8:30 AM08:30

Rough Water Clinic - November 17, 2024

On Sunday, November 17, 2024, Stefan Benton will lead a group of Rowers in learning the Rough Water Rowing conditions approaching the Golden Gate Bridge.

It is important that each rower complete a flip test prior to participating in this class.

The lesson begins at the Liz Stone Boathouse at 8:30 AM. The cost is $150.00 and includes a boat rental if needed.

Please contact the OWRC Boathouse for scheduling details, 415-332-1091.

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10:00 AM10:00

Advanced Rough Water Clinic - October 19, 2024

Learn and develop the skills necessary for rowing in challenging conditions. Join us on Saturday, October 19th for what is sure to be a super adventurous row!

What to expect:

A stronger current than usual! We’ll get a Max Flood of 3.26 KTS at 11:58 am. This means you’ll have to row faster than that to get out past the north tower of the Golden Gate. You may want to row a MAAS 24 or Flyweight to make that happen.

Our coach says: “It’s gonna be pretty washing machine-esque!” He also says it could very well be flat. One never knows what to expect from Mother Nature.

Because we’re starting later in the day it will be windier!

The day will begin at 10am with a talk from our coach about the day ahead. Bring your questions so we can have a dialogue about rowing in rough water conditions.


You have to be intermediate to advanced, taken a rough water clinic in the past or be approved by our staff.

There’s a decent chance of going swimming. You’re gonna get wet it’s a water sport. Let’s go have fun and play in the rough water!

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8:30 AM08:30

Rough Water Clinic - April 7, 2024

On Sunday, April 7, 2024, Stefan Benton will lead a group of Rowers in learning the Rough Water Rowing conditions approaching the Golden Gate Bridge.

It is important that each rower complete a flip test prior to participating in this class.

The lesson begins at the Liz Stone Boathouse at 9:00 AM. The cost is $150.00 and includes a boat rental if needed.

Please contact the OWRC Boathouse for scheduling details, 415-332-1091.

Register online for this course.

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8:00 AM08:00

Rough Water Clinic - March 10, 2024

NOTE: THIS CLASS BEGINS AT 9:00AM. Our website provider has a bug and is automatically changing the start time incorrectly.

On Sunday, March 10, 2024, Stefan Benton will lead a group of Rowers in learning the Rough Water Rowing conditions approaching the Golden Gate Bridge.

It is important that each rower complete a flip test prior to participating in this class.

The lesson begins at the Liz Stone Boathouse at 9:00 AM. The cost is $150.00 and includes boat rental if needed.

NOTE: This is the first day of Daylight Savings. Please plan for the time change to be on time!

Please contact the OWRC Boathouse for scheduling details, 415-332-1091.

Register for this class online.

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9:00 AM09:00

Rough Water Clinic - February 11, 2024

On Sunday, February 11, 2024, Stefan Benton will lead a group of Rowers in learning the Rough Water Rowing conditions approaching the Golden Gate Bridge.

It is important that each rower complete a flip test prior to participating in this class.

The lesson begins at the Liz Stone Boathouse at 9:00 AM. The cost is $150.00 and includes a boat rental if needed.

Please contact the OWRC Boathouse for scheduling details, 415-332-1091.

Register online for this course.

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7:30 AM07:30

Rough Water Clinic - Sept 30

Saturday, September 30, 2023

  • 7:30 AM 10:30 AM

  • Open Water Rowing Center (map)

On Saturday, September 30, 2023, Stefan Benton will lead a group of Rowers in learning the Rough Water Rowing conditions approaching the Golden Gate Bridge.

It is important that each rower complete a flip test prior to participating in this class.

The lesson begins at the Liz Stone Boathouse at 7:30 AM. The cost is $125.00 and includes boat and coach.

Please contact the OWRC Boathouse for scheduling details, 415-332-1091.

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7:30 AM07:30

Rough Water Clinic - Sept 16

Saturday, September 16, 2023

  • 7:30 AM 10:30 AM

  • Open Water Rowing Center (map)

On Saturday, September 16, 2023, Stefan Benton will lead a group of Rowers in learning the Rough Water Rowing conditions approaching the Golden Gate Bridge.

It is important that each rower complete a flip test prior to participating in this class.

The lesson begins at the Liz Stone Boathouse at 7:30 AM. The cost is $125.00 and includes boat and coach.

Please contact the OWRC Boathouse for scheduling details, 415-332-1091.

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7:15 AM07:15

Open Ocean Regatta

Open Ocean Regatta

Sunday April 16, 2023

Schoonmaker Marina

Sausalito, CA

Welcome to the Open Water Rowing Center’s Open Ocean Regatta.

The Open Ocean Regatta features two courses of changeable difficulty and with independent course of different length. Each course provides astonishing scenery with challenging rowing conditions of the San Francisco Bay through the Golden Gate and Richardson Bay. Separate event classes for open water rowing shells, FISA-compliant coastal racing boats, and traditional open-cockpit boats, provide competitive and recreational rowers the opportunity to self assess themselves in a supportive, fun-filled regatta.

The Open Ocean Regatta is also welcoming Stand-Up Paddleboards, Ocean Coastal C1, Ocean Coastal C2, Surf-Skis, to join our race on one of the world’s best surroundings for water sports.



Boats may be stored at the OWRC boathouse located in the Schoonmaker Marina, Sausalito, CA on Saturday, April 15, 2023. If you plan to store a boat, please call the boathouse office (415-332-1091) to confirm time of delivery and make sure to bring your own slings for your boat!

 “OWRC offers long term storage for all rowing and paddle sport craft.”

Boat rentals are available on a prepaid, first-come, first-served basis with OWRC.  OWRC Annual Club members have booking priority. OWRC will provide rental-rowing shells to rowers who have been cleared to safely row the type of boat that they are renting. Contact to reserve a boat.


  • Regatta Clinic:                     Every Thursday, 8:15 AM - 9:45 AM

  • Regatta Practice Row Diablo Course:      Saturday, April 1, 2023 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

  • Regatta Practice Row Strawberry Course: Sunday April 2, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

VOLUNTEERS are needed to assist with registration, parking, chase boats, launch and recovery of rowing shells, and more! Volunteers will receive a 2023 Open Ocean Regatta T-shirt! Contact to sign up as volunteer!


·      Single              $65.00

·      Double           $130.00

·      Quad              $260.00

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9:00 AM09:00

Open Water Regatta Practice Row Strawberry Course

The Open Water Rowing Center is hosting a practice rowing session over the Open Water Regatta Strawberry Course. Open Water Rowing Center will provide two coaches for the rowing session. It will begin at the Start Line, then around Cone Rock then to Strawberry Point and return to a point near Cone Rock and back to the finish line. It is $25.00 plus boat rental.

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10:00 AM10:00

Open Water Regatta Practice Row Diablo Course

The Open Water Rowing Center is providing an opportunity for rowers to learn the Open Water Regatta Diablo Course. Coach Stefan will lead a group of rowers from the starting line through the Golden Gate to Point Bonita back through the Golden Gate to Tiburon and then to the finish line. The cost of this rowing instruction is $75.00.

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7:30 AM07:30

Rough Water Clinic

Sunday, March 19, 2023

  • 7:30 AM 10:30 AM

  • Open Water Rowing Center (map)

On Sunday February 19, 2023, Stefan Benton will lead a group of Rowers in learning the Rough Water Rowing conditions approaching the Golden Gate Bridge.

It is important that each rower complete a flip test prior to participating in this class.

The lesson begins at the Liz Stone Boathouse at 7:30 AM. The cost is 125.00 and includes boat and coach.

Please contact the OWRC Boathouse for scheduling details, 415-332-1091

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1:00 PM13:00

MAAS Rowing Shell Preventative Maintenance

Saturday March 11, 2023

  • 1:00 PM 3:00 PM

  • Open Water Rowing Center (map)

Open Water Rowing Center is introducing a preventative maintenance program for MAAS Rowing Shells. The environment of the San Francisco Bay and the operating performance of the MAAS Rowing Shell is becoming an issue for long term durability. The Open Water Rowing Center will provide instruction on the technical specifications of the MAAS Rowing Shell, along with replacement fasteners that will provide an added protection to the salt water marine environment. The Liz Stone Boathouse will accommodate up to six individuals. Coach Bella will lead this introduction into updating your MAAS Rowing Shell and tune it up to satisfy the current operating conditions in the San Francisco Bay. OWRC introductory price for this preventative maintenance program is $50.00. Please contact the Boathouse to make a reservation. OWRC will provide a monthly schedule for this course.

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7:30 AM07:30

Rough Water Clinic

On Sunday February 19, 2023, Stefan Benton will lead a group of Rowers in learning the Rough Water Rowing conditions approaching the Golden Gate Bridge.

It is important that each rower complete a flip test prior to participating in this class.

The lesson begins at the Liz Stone Boathouse at 7:30 AM. The cost is 125.00 and includes boat and coach.

Please contact the OWRC Boathouse for scheduling details, 415-332-1091

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1:00 PM13:00

Rowing Shell Preventative Maintenance Program

Open Water Rowing Center is introducing a preventative maintenance program for MAAS Rowing Shells. The environment of the San Francisco Bay and the operating performance of the MAAS Rowing Shell is becoming an issue for long term durability. The Open Water Rowing Center will provide instruction on the technical specifications of the MAAS Rowing Shell, along with replacement fasteners that will provide an added protection to the salt water marine environment. The Liz Stone Boathouse will accommodate up to six individuals. Coach Bella will lead this introduction into updating your MAAS Rowing Shell and tune it up to satisfy the current operating conditions in the San Francisco Bay. OWRC introductory price for this preventative maintenance program is $50.00. Please contact the Boathouse to make a reservation. OWRC will provide a monthly schedule for this course.

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2:00 PM14:00

OWRC Membership Meeting

Open Water Rowing Center

Membership Meeting

Saturday December 10, 2022

3:00 - 5:00 PM

Stone Boathouse

The Open Water Rowing Center Board of Directors will present to all Open Water Rowing Center members a report of the current financial condition of OWRC. In addition, there will be a discussion regarding the long term sustainability of OWRC including the application for IRS Code 501 C3. Members are invited to attend the meeting. Afterward a BBQ will be available for all attendees.

The City of Sausalito is hosting a parade of lights along the Sausalito Waterfront beginning at 5:15 PM. Members of OWRC are invited to participate in this event. OWRC members that participated in past events enjoyed this celebration before the holiday season.

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8:30 AM08:30

Rough Water Clinic

Rough Water Clinic

  • Open Water Rowing Center85 Liberty Ship Way #102Sausalito, Ca, 94965USA (map)

A four hour clinic is held several times a year on a weekend morning. This clinic is required of rowers who wish to venture beyond Richardson Bay. It is recommended for any rower ready for the next step up in skill level. Competence and confidence in rough conditions will benefit anyone rowing on the  bay, and many find it an important and enjoyable part of the sport.

  • Cost: $125 per session (shell rental included)

  • Saturday, Oct 8th 8:30 AM - 11:30 PM

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