Reservations for rental boats are highly recommended, especially on weekends. Boats may be available on a walk-up basis, but club rental boats are often booked-out on weekends and during clinics. Reservations on weekdays are also greatly appreciated as it helps the staff manage the flow of boats and rowers.
OWRC boats (and spots in classes & clinics) can be reserved up to four weeks in advance using our Online Reservation System or by downloading the Achieve App from the App Store or Google Play. Our reservation policy is at the farther down on this page.
visitors and guests
We welcome visiting rowers from out of town to get certified and then join a group row out to the Golden Gate Bridge or around Angel Island. Visitors do not need to be members, but are limited to five (5) rowing days per 12-month period.
Visitor certification: $120 / hour - includes boat rental
Visitor boat rental:
1x - $70 / hour
2x - $125 / hour
The majority of our club boats are less than three years old and the mix of club boats changes with the needs of the club. We use oars from Concept 2; the majority are hatchets, Big Blade w/ vortex edge. We also provide (and require) a personal flotation device for each club boat.
(6) MAAS Aero (1x)
(3) MAAS 24 (1x)
(1) MAAS Double (2x)
(2) Lite Boat LiteSport (Coastal)
(2) Lite Boat LiteRace (Coastal)
(1) Nelo C1X (Coastal)
Reservations for OWRC boats are available in 60-minute increments, but members can sign up for two hours on weekdays and can wait-list for a second hour on weekends. Visit our Price List for more information. You may also call the shellhouse staff to check on boat availability, at 1.415.332.1091.
Cancelation policy:
Cancelations the day before will not incur a charge. Reservations made in the Achieve app can also be canceled in the app. All reservations can be canceled by calling the office - 1.415.332.1091.
Same-day cancelations incur the one-hour rental charge unless due to circumstances beyond your control and you notify the office as soon as possible, ideally before the rental is to begin.
No-shows without prior notification incur the one-hour rental charge.
If the club cancels the reservation due to a weather or other type of shellhouse closure, no charge will be incurred. If already paid, you will be given credit for a future reservation.
The one-hour reservation is intended to be for time rowing, but the reservation blocks are tied to real world clock time. To keep back-to-back reservations flowing, it is important to return from your row and be at the dock by the end of your reservation time block so the next rower can leave on time.
Example Reservation Time Flow
For an 8:00am to 9:00am reservation the ideal timing would be:
Arrive at 7:45am and carry your oars to the dock.
If carrying the boat down to the dock, gather the PFD do so by 7:55am (most likely scenario).
Rig your oars and foot stretchers.
Get it, strap in to the foot stretchers, double-check your rigging, and push-off the dock at 8:00am.
Return by 9:00am. This gives you get a full hour of rowing.
If another reservation is waiting, they will take the boat from the dock. If they are using a different set of oars, you only need to bring your oars up to wash & dry.
But more often you will need to carry the boat and oars back up to the shellhouse, wash, dry, and put them back in their respective racks. Clean-up can add another 10-15 minutes.
Some rowers then take a shower in the lock room & change.
When all taken together, you should plan 1.5 hours for your 1-hour reservation (example case: 7:45am to 8:15am), not counting the time needed for a shower.
The staff are super flexible. If you leave the dock later than your reserved time and there is no reservation after you, you can arrange with the staff for a late return. But do not return late without approval from the staff.
Whitehall Spirit Solo
Novice Lessons in a Winged Aero
LiteSport 1x racing in the Open Ocean Regatta