BOAT Storage & Rates
Membership is required to store boats in the OWRC shell house.
Storage in the Liz Stone Boathouse at Schoonmaker Marina
A rack space for a rowing shell, surf-ski or outrigger canoe:
$200/month | $600/quarter | $2,400/year
Annual payment by check to save credit-card fees is greatly appreciated.
Space for storing personal oars is included.
During published open hours, assistance to carry your boat to the dock is available.
All-hours access to the shell house can be provided by request, but you will need to be checked-out to open and close the shell house on your own.
Self-row outside of published open hours is allowed, but you must be able to carry your boat to the dock unaided, or arrange for other assistance.
Placement in the shell house is at the discretion of club management. Frequency of use, member physical needs and boat size, weight and shape are examples of factors used to determined best placement. No guarantee can be made for a particular spot or zone in the shell house, and spots can change at any time. Notice will be given if a move is needed.