The Open Water Rowing Center is not a crew team with a set schedule of practices. We are a club of individual rowers sharing facilities, equipment and coaching services. In addition to the Bay Rower program for those learning to row, and private coaching, OWRC offers regular clinics for rowers of varying experience.


Experienced Rower?

We have a unique rower’s “playground” just beyond our dock, but before you can enjoy it you need to be certified by an OWRC instructor to use club equipment and facilities. A 1 hour Certification may be all that’s needed to orient you to our waters and ensure that you can safely handle our often changing water conditions.

  • Certification: $100/hour (members) | $120/hour (non-members)


Tuesday Rowing fundamentals

This clinic is for novice to intermediate scullers; the emphasis is on refining technique as well as exploring Richardson Bay. Limited to 5 participants.

Tuesdays – 8:15 AM - 9:45 AM

  • $50/session or $350/10-sessions (shell rental extra)


SELF rescue clinic

The Self-rescue Clinic includes a demonstration and coaching at the dock teaching you how to safely get back into a shell. All are invited to watch. Those who would like to be certified must sign up for the clinic and perform a self-rescue. Please bring a change of clothes and towel if you wish to shower here after your test.

  • Each one hour session is limited to 4 students. OWRC will provide the Aero for the test.

  • Cost: $25 per session

Rough Water clinic

A three-hour clinic is held at least twice a year on a weekend morning. This clinic is required of rowers who wish to venture beyond Richardson Bay, but is recommended for any rower ready for the next step up in skill level. Competence and confidence in rough conditions will benefit anyone rowing on the  bay, and many find it an important and enjoyable part of the sport.

  • Cost: $150 per session – shell rental included if needed.

Check the Events page to see when the next clinic is scheduled. Keep checking or call the office and ask if there isn’t one currently scheduled. We add additional clinic dates throughout the year.


Advanced Rough Water clinic

Further develop your rough water skills in a clinic planned on a day with a stronger current than usual. We aim for max floods upwards of 4 knots. This means you’ll have to row faster than that to get out past the north tower of the Golden Gate, and you might not make it, but your comfort in rough water should improve. We recommend rowing MAAS 24s or Flyweights to get more speed against the current.

We normally avoid days with the max current coming later, closer to noon, because we want to avoid heavier winds. But for this course, we want the students to feel challenged, so we like it when it’s windy - another dimension to be prepared for.

Our coach says: “It’s gonna be pretty washing machine-esque!” He also says it could very well be flat. One never knows what to expect from Mother Nature.

This Course has Prerequisites. You have to be an intermediate to advanced open water or coastal rower, taken a rough water clinic in the past, or be approved by Stefan, our RWC coach. A good rule of thumb to gauge if you are ready is that you are already comfortable going under the Golden Gate Bridge in a 2-knot flood in a MAAS 24 or Flyweight.

Also, there is a decent chance of going swimming, so bring a change of clothes! Let’s go have fun and play in the rough water!

  • Cost: $150 per session – shell rental included if needed.

Check the Events page to see when the next clinic is scheduled. Keep checking or call the office and ask if there isn’t one currently scheduled. We add additional clinic dates throughout the year.



Sculling is sufficiently different that you will need to take a private coaching session, or if it’s been a long time since you rowed, our novice sculling class may be best to get you back on the water. Speak to OWRC staff about whether a full novice sculling program or a private coaching session is best. You’ll be certified as “novice” but as an experienced rower will likely progress quickly.



Our coaches will want to give you an orientation to our boats – be it an open water single or our traditional dory – and our bay water. Let them know your type and level of experience.  When they are confident that you are safe in our boats, and comfortable on our water, you will be certified to row in Richardson Bay. Rowers with lots of sculling experience may move quickly to take the Rough-Water Clinic and other advanced courses.



You must be eager to get back out there! We understand. Before you can rent a boat, you will need to be checked out and oriented to our boats, boathouse and waters.  How much orientation you’ll need and what level boat you will be certified for, depends on your specific experience and your boat handling skills on our water. Call or drop by OWRC and talk to our staff.   They’ll set you up with the best way to get back on the water.

Contact us to schedule your appointment!